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THEMA: My Alp 200 Mk1

My Alp 200 Mk1 01 Mär 2023 14:33 #1

  • Dominatoras
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I'm Giorgos from Athens Greece .
This is my 2002 Alp 200 which i bought one year ago.
It wasn't in good condition but with personal work,patient and some money now it is decent and functional.
I'll post pics for repairs and some mods I've done to it .
Ps Following is Test for pictures and I'll edit it later.
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My Alp 200 Mk1 01 Mär 2023 17:45 #2

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nice area for the Alp

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Dominatoras

My Alp 200 Mk1 01 Mär 2023 22:36 #3

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Giorgos, I had one, too. But yours looks much better. My old Alp was pretty worn but I had a lot of fun with it. So much fun that I got persuaded to buy a brand new one.
Your Alp is really the very first version with the swing made from pressed and welded sheet metal with the side stand on the right side. Is it a 200 cc?

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: dapeet

My Alp 200 Mk1 02 Mär 2023 13:07 #4

  • Dominatoras
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Alpquäler schrieb:
nice area for the Alp

Hello Harald, I'm lucky because my 'training' area is 5 minutes away from my home.

AndiLR schrieb:
Giorgos, I had one, too. But yours looks much better. My old Alp was pretty worn but I had a lot of fun with it. So much fun that I got persuaded to buy a brand new one.
Your Alp is really the very first version with the swing made from pressed and welded sheet metal with the side stand on the right side. Is it a 200 cc?

Hi Andi
Yes it is 200cc from early years with side stand on the right side.
Mine too isn't in it's best looking condition but is perfect for the job!.
A new one would be perfect but 'no money no honey' so I'm looking to have as much fun with this old little bike :knips:
Letzte Änderung: 02 Mär 2023 13:08 von Dominatoras.
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