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Beta USA 02 Feb 2014 12:23 #41

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:guck: Amerikanische Sportinfos in englisch (habt ihr doch alle drauf, oder?).

Morrow and Burson Podium!

The Purvines/Beta race team started out their 2014 season with impressive finishes at round one of the AMA National Hare and Hound series with Justin Morrow, Nick Burson, and Axel Pearson finishing 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respectively.

The conditions were dusty in the Johnson Valley hills as riders found the loops to be more demanding than expected. Justin Morrow explains, "I stayed behind Ivan for the first 15 miles and was riding all right through the rocks; the first loop was a lot gnarlier than I had anticipated. It was filled with tight and twisty up hills and down hills, I held onto 2nd and was dropping into the last little valley to the finish and teammate Nick Burson went flying by me and I just about pooped a purple twinky. I was thinking there is no way I am about to get passed right in front of the finish. My adrenaline kicked in and the race was on, we went back and forth both of us on the gas but I was able to pull it off and finish 2nd!"

Justin Morrow in the dust on his Beta 498 RR (photo by Kato)

Nick Burson battled to the finish with his teammate eventually settling for third place in the rocky race.

"With about 10 miles left I started to get whiffs of dust and then I finally got eyes on Justin who was in 2nd. As we crested the last hill and made our way into the final valley I was right behind him. I made a pass on him at the top of the valley, which now I know was a mistake. I should have waited and passed him more towards the finish so he wouldn't of been able to put an attack back on me. As we drag raced towards the finish pretty much side by side there was a road crossing and a large jump approaching. Both of us didn't let off and came sliding into the finish. Justin just merely edged me out. It was a great race and a great show for everyone watching. I was bummed I didn't make the pass stick but happy with the way I rode towards the end of the race. Starting the year off with a 3rd overall works for me and I am going to work harder to be at the top step of the podium this year." Burson explains.

Nick Burson rode hard for a solid third place finish (photo by Kato)

Rounding out the top four places was Axel Pearson aboard his Collin Woolsey prepped Beta 450 RR. Pearson's performance shows that he has picked up where he left off from last year's final event finishing fourth in the Pro class.

Axel Pearson finished fourth in the opening round (photo by Kato)
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Letzte Änderung: 02 Feb 2014 12:28 von admin.
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Beta USA 05 Feb 2014 12:59 #42

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Cody Webb Is KING

Beta factory rider Cody Webb proved that his win last year at the King of Motos was no fluke. The California native and former Mototrial Champion made quick work of the other racers to take the race win with more than two minutes to spare.

The event is the brainchild of off road guru Jimmy Lewis. The race format was changed for 2014 to have riders take place in a two-lap format with the two lap times being combined. Webb was in second after the first race and had to make up a 70 second deficit in the second race to take the win. Webb rode a specially prepared Beta 300 RR.

"I had a target on my back going into this year's King of Motos after nabbing the win last year. I have been physically preparing for this race as much as possible and it paid off huge for me! I would've like to spend more time on the bike pre running, but my time was limited. With trials basically embedded in my blood it worked out in my favor during the extreme race. The course had some very difficult parts this year and my bike handled perfectly all day and I had a blast. This was a great way to start off the 2014 season following my late success I had in the Endurocross series in 2013. I'm excited to get back at it and tackle what comes next." Webb explains.

Webb's next event is in Italy for the nasty Hell's Gate extreme Enduro on February 15th.

Cody Webb getting the job done (Scott Hoffman photo)

Cody Webb wins the King of Motos (Scott Hoffman photo)

Webb's teammate Max Gerston was running as high as sixth in the final race until a burned up clutch ended his day.

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Letzte Änderung: 05 Feb 2014 12:59 von admin.
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Beta Finnland 06 Feb 2014 18:43 #43

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:herz: Die Skandinavier wünschen viel Spaß...

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Beta Belgien 13 Feb 2014 12:43 #44

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:pok: Olivier Charlier auf BETA RR 50 FACTORY wurde Belgischer Endurochampion in der 50er Klasse.

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Beta Guatemala 13 Feb 2014 14:51 #45

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:sonne: :brumm: Erste Beta-Enduroausfahrt in einem Land, in dem man unsere Spielzeuge vermutlich frei bewegen darf. Die Teilnehmer waren sehr zufrieden.

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Letzte Änderung: 13 Feb 2014 14:57 von admin.
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Beta Zypern 13 Feb 2014 18:46 #46

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:pok: Alle guten Dinge sind drei. Den dritten LAuf zur zypriotischen Meiterschaft hat Xristos Tsaggaras auf seiner 450 RR gewonnen.
:dau: Herzlichen Glückwunsch.

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Beta Kolumbien 14 Feb 2014 11:07 #47

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:brumm: Wer hatte gedacht, dass man mit einer Enduro ein Motocrossrennen gewinnen kann?
:vic: Manuel Ospina hat´s geschafft und mit seiner RR450 das erste Rennen der nationalen MX1 Klasse ganz oben auf dem Treppchen beendet.

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Beta Finnland 14 Feb 2014 18:50 #48

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admin schrieb:
:herz: Die Skandinavier wünschen viel Spaß...

Gebt mir so nen Track, nen Bagger und ich jammer nie mehr! Sowas würd ich trainiern bis zum Umfallen!

Ich liebe dieses EnduroCross Zeug, aber bei uns gibts das NIRGENDS.....
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Beta Österreich 18 Feb 2014 16:46 #49

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:snow: Beta-Händler Norbert Hippmann kann auch Moped fahren. Er hat mit seiner Beta RR 300 das Up Hill Snow Race in Rohr im Gebirge gewonnen.

:sonne: Herzlichen Glückwunsch.

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Letzte Änderung: 18 Feb 2014 16:47 von admin.
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Beta Brasilien 25 Feb 2014 14:43 #50

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Beta führt in der brasilianischen Enduromeisterschaft

:vic: Guter Einstieg in die neue Meisterschaftssaison. In der ersten Runde der brasilianischen Enduromeisterschaft am letzten Wochenende konnte Romulo Bottrel auf seiner RR 450 am ersten Tag den Lauf der E1 Klasse gewinnen, am zweiten Tag schloss er auf Platz zwei. Damit führt er die Meisterschaft an.

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Letzte Änderung: 25 Feb 2014 14:47 von admin.
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